Matthew Reinhart

Agent: Emily van Beek
Partner | YA, middle grade, and picture books
You can find more information on Matthew Reinhart’s website.
Matthew, one time medical student and current author, illustrator, and pop-up master, attended the prestigious Pratt Institute where his dream of being a toy designer led him to an internship and subsequent career as a paper engineer. Matthew’s many treasured accomplishments include ultimate pop-up editions of Lego Pop-Up: A Journey Through the LEGO Universe, Frozen: A Pop-Up Adventure, The Jungle Book, Cinderella: A Pop-Up Fairytale, The Pop-Up Book of Nursery Rhymes, Star Wars: Pop-Up Guide to the Galaxy, DC Super Heroes, Transformers: The Ultimate Pop-Up Universe, and Game of Thrones: A Pop-Up Guide to Westeros along with multiple collaborations, including a trilogy of New York Times bestselling Encyclopedia Prehistorica and the following series Encyclopedia Mythologica with Robert Sabuda, Mommy? co-authored with the renowned Maurice Sendak, and Brava Strega Nona with the ageless Tomie DePaola.